“Le tre nuove vele corrispondenti vennero ora attaccate e
terzaruolate, e una randa di fortuna venne aggiunta a poppa, sicché presto la
nave tornò a tenere il mare con qualche precisione; e la rotta (est-sud-est per
il momento) che doveva seguire se praticabile, venne ridata al timoniere.”
(cap.CXXIII, pag. 610)
“The three corresponding new sails were now bent and reefed,
and a storm-trysail was set further aft; so that the ship soon went through the
water with some precision again; and the course—for the present, East-south-east—which
he was to steer, if practicable, was once more given to the helmsman.” (cap.CXXIII, pag. 610)
Randa/Trysail |
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